Hi Daniel,
Thanks for response and let me clarify my opinions for you.
I have no skin in the game and if Decent creates a great product, used by many happy users and their token appreciates in value — I’ll be probably one of the first ones to congratulate the team.
My opinions are as follows:
- The Decent token is 3–5x from the ICO — while the market went 30X from the date. So far, a bad trade.
- One of the way the market values the token is — by how much is left in the treasury. Imagine very fictional scenario, where: 1. Decent would put all the money they raised into ETH (11/2016); 2. In 2018 they would index the amount of money into Hodl 10; and if the market rises another 10x in 2019 & 2020 — they could be sitting on $3.5 billion. The token, or the product does not have to work — for the market to give you this valuation. This calculation is just to give people an idea of project going south; however there is treasury money on the line.
- I very much doubt that if some party is short or critical of a public company — he, she or them need a statement from the party involved, if there is full transparency. Also I very much doubt Decent would provide any information on street info about various internal things. And I am not interested in rumours, nor will entertain those.
- I challenge Decent token design & mechanics; which I believe won’t work. And at the same time your company raised money from public — which could be later classifies as a security (or security offering). Both statements are a risk for the investor to manage & mitigate.
I really do not understand the negative connotation when other party — in this case — myself; have a different opinion. Since when is there only one sided information useful or true? You are not here to challenge myself — you could care less about my own opinion. The market is challenging you, not me.
I am only an observer looking for what’s true in the long term — and the truth will eventually show up — that is how markets and investments work for ages.
Good luck Daniel,