BLM May Have Solved COVID-19, Lockdowns are Insanity


At the time the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement marched into the streets in US — they had no idea what will be the key takeaway concerning COVID-19. Millions of people marched for their rights, and rights of others — despite health warnings from the Government or some officials thereof.

There was no “sudden” spike in the death rates. The mobility went through the roof. Yes, you can argue with — Summer, hot & sun. True.

This may be the largest group in western world that truly experienced the COVID-19 Truth — directly.

Influenza versus COVID-19 difference:

BLM did not know, maybe they still do not know consciously. However subconsciously they now know:

Catch 22:

Whatever the various worldwide authorities were pointing out as health risks — it did not materialise.

This is the whole puzzle.

When the trust in Governments & Experts worldwide is eroding — the people start to self-organise for optimal survival.

I really believe — this is the difference between the:

  • direct experience (BLM) vs
  • lab experience (UK, France, etc).

The self-organisation is decentralised and evidently everyone protects themselves.

The BLM crowd takeaway is:

Release the Young and Protect the Elderly & Vulnerable. This has nothing to do with separation due to age! This is about clear communication thus people are aware and can make informed decisions.

It’s not only BLM crowd, it’s everyone who also observed the crowd as well.

The BLM movement solved the insanity of the worldwide lockdowns, we had the data & research before, and now we have direct human exercise.

What else is this?

Lockdowns are the easiest decision from all the worst ones.

Lockdowns are insanity, we have all the proofs.

She was exponential



Martin Skakala,

Life is a video game. Full of laugh & anxiety. Choose your ammo wisely.